About 76DEV LLC


Technology is an enabler. It can amplify weaknesses as well as strengths. At 76DEV, we take pride in adhering to our Standard on Integrity, Privacy and Autonomy so we may be better stewards of technology.

The 76DEV Standard drives and motivates us to expect the best from ourselves each day. Expect more. Expect better. Expect the 76DEV Standard.


Cohesion Soundness Consistency Lack of Corruption

Go into the unknown and emerge on the other side true.


Confidential Undisclosed Privy Trusted

Respect the privacy of people and handle their data with the utmost care. Only use private information as it was intended to be used. Only collect and retain information necessary to provide services that people require.


Self-determination Choice Make-its-own

People have the final say. Individuals are accountable for the work they do and the life they lead. Therefore individuals must be provided the opportunity to exercise control over their thoughts and actions. Trust that the individuals’ talents, experiences, and wisdom will prevail. Leaders and fellows are there to provide counsel, so the individual at the helm can be empowered with many different perspectives.